
samedi 21 mars 2015

So i got introduced to the android gaming "industry"

Hello everybody, so i wanted to share my story today , please be kind or ignore this message if you wheren't a big fan of that kind of stuff :)

so about 3 years ago , my sister and i went to ET school , learned algorithm , c , c# and then html , css , javascript & php , then in our second year , our teacher asked us in the class : who would be interested in android developing, (he had in mind to create a gps app , maybe like taxi or bus ... that kind of app ) my sister & i raised our hands of coure as it would be a nice experience , we thought that it was going to be extremely hard as we would have to learn Java first , and then android programming, our teacher was very kind and though us the main differences between c# and Java , and then he introduced us to Eclipse , we had a crappy pc back then , and running the emulator was a pain in the ass , so we learned how to make calculator (everyone start with that i know :D ) , then form , and then we made a simple kids math game which turned out to be very nice (never went beyond our pc, we never published it ) , and then our teacher told us to start working with Databases , so we had the advantage of knowing SQL , and we where learning PHP at that time , so databases with android was okey , then we moved to the main project , android localisation , we created an app that was very nice and useful , but people in my country don't really rely on technology , so after we tried with the train station , buses , taxies .. everything , we gaved up .

Months later , my sister & i decided not to waste our knowlidge and to create an android game and no , we didn't quit our job , we are not sure that this would work , so we had to keep an income and work at night at the game, so after 5 months of hard work we have finished creating our first game. It´s not so amazing or groundbreaking, but we learned a lot while we were developing it. All the assets (game art and sound) are made by us , we spent months working on this "project". This was a major challenge, to create a graphically nice game with no money to spend on game art. if anyone had any questions , feel free to ask , i would try my best to answer most if not all the questiond :p .

If anyone made it all the way down here , and was curious to see our game , here is it :

any reviews or rating would be very appreciated :) have a nice day

from Android Forum


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